Do you need insurance for freelance programmers?

You are a freelance programmer. You have a free schedule, cool projects, and the ability to work from anywhere in the world. It sounds perfect, right? But here's a question: have you ever wondered what happens if a client finds a bug in your code or a project goes wrong?

Let's talk about why insurance is a must-have for freelancers:

  1. Protection against “mishaps”. 
    Did the client lose money because of a bug or the contract was canceled due to a change in requirements? Professional liability insurance will help you avoid financial problems in case of claims.
  2. Advantage in negotiations. 
    Clients love professionals who are ready for anything. Having an insurance policy will show that you are a responsible and serious contractor.
  3. Calmness in work. 
    Freelancing is always a risk. But when you know that your finances and reputation are under reliable protection, it becomes easier to work.
  4. Access to international clients. 
    Many foreign companies require insurance as a prerequisite for cooperation. With a policy, you open the door to new opportunities.

You can argue for a long time whether a freelancer needs insurance. But the truth is that it can save your business at a critical moment.

Stay one step ahead and find out what insurance is right for you. Contact us and we will help you choose the best option!
