Daily work at the computer leads to back pain, which is associated with overstrain and insufficient relaxation of the back muscles. Discomfort or pain can occur in the lumbar region, thoracic region, and neck, pain can spread to the area between the ribs, and a person may feel tingling in the heart area.
The reason is that our back muscles stay in the same position for a long time when we sit, and we often sit incorrectly, even though we think we are comfortable enough.
So how do you ensure your back is healthy, you may ask?
- Correct workplace arrangement - the desk and chair should be of the right height for the person's height. The chair for the desk should be stable. The monitor should be located directly in front of the eyes, not to the side.
- Correct posture - you need to sit in such a way that the physiological curves of the spine are preserved: the back is straight and rests against the chair. Feet should be flat on the floor, and you should not bend them under yourself or put your foot on your leg while sitting.
- Do not work at home on the bed or on the couch.
- Use phones and tablets less often to reduce the strain on your neck.
- Take a break for 5-10 minutes every hour. It is important to get up from your workstation, move around, walk and change your body position.
- Do short warm-ups to improve muscle blood circulation every 2 hours of sitting. Do not forget about regular physical activity.
When back pain occurs daily, you should consult a doctor.